Tuesday, December 6, 2016


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Monroe Doctrine: was a policy that involves European countries that they interfere with North America or South, it will be counted as aggression.

Spanish American War: was a four month war fought by Spain and the Untied States. The U.S was against people being oppressed and controlled by the Spanish. After the war it led to the U.S expansion.

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Roosevelt Corollane: was an addition to the policy called Monroe Doctrine. The united states will intervene in conflicts between European countries and Latin American countries. They could only interfere when one of the European countries is or was threatened
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Panama Canal a water way in canal that connects the Atlantic ocean with the pacific ocean. It is also used for trading
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Santa Anna: was an American born Spaniard who helped to defend royalist New Spain and then for Mexican Independence. He was the president 6 times and also has the title of traitor since he led to a lot of Mexico's misfortunes
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Benito Jaurez was a lawyer and a politician, and also served as the president of Mexico for 5 terms. He overthrew the second Mexican empire, he also restored the republic and he also modernized the country. He was known as mexico's history
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Pancho Villa was a Mexican Revolution General Because he was a skilled fighter and leader he was made a colonel.Because of his skills that led to his assassination

Emilliano Zapta was a a leading figure and a Mexican revolution leader of the peasant revolution. He also commanded the liberation army of the south, his followers were known as Zapatistas.

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My name is Jose Reyes and Welcome to my  Blog. I like to eat and draw